How We Work

Employee Demographics Reporting
- How do employees currently work?
- Where are they assigned organizationally (division, department, team)
- Where are they assigned geographically (location, building, floor)
Work Behavior Analytics & Reporting
- How do employees perform common work tasks (collaboration, individual work, ad hoc interaction, use of specialized equipment)?
- How equipped or enabled are they to perform these work tasks?

Work Behavior Analytics & Reporting
- If it were their choice, where would they prefer to work depending on work activity (central office, co-working site, client/vendor, home)?
- If they were to come to the central office, what types of tasks would encourage them come to that location (scheduled meetings, ad-hoc interactions with colleagues, individual work, socialize)?
- When in the central office, what types of workplace settings would they expect to find when they arrive?
Preferred Work Location
Tasks Drawing Employees to the Office
Expected Settings Needed to Perform in the Office
What Our Clients Say